The ‘Garden Spicer’ cutout created by Victoria professor Lisa Kadonaga parodying White House spokesperson Sean Spicer has become an internet sensation. According to Lisa, this cutout of Spicer was made just for fun, but she is now shocked to know that it has gone viral on internet and being liked by the people. Lisa, a University of Victoria and Camosun College instructor, had shared the pictures of the cutout with about 200 friends on Facebook.
Actress Melissa McCarthy had recently ridiculed Spicer on “Saturday Night Live” over his combative discourse with journalists. Now Lisa Kadonaga says she got the idea of making Spicer cutout after last week reports that Spicer’s meeting with some reporters, at night, in the shadows among the bushes outside the White House. , Kadonaga then decided that Spicer’s cutout in bushes would make the perfect place for the Press Secretary to hang out.
Kadonaga found a headshot of Spicer, got it printed, and then put it strategically in some lush shrubbery in a Victoria garden, to make it look like he is peering out of them.
She captured some pictures of the scene, and shared them with her Facebook friends to give them an opportunity to laugh at it.
“I just put it [online] to make them laugh, as a chuckle for a few people. I was really stunned as the picture of the preparation and the installation in the bushes kinda took off.”
However, Lisa was shocked to know later that the pictures she captured were soon trending on sites such as Twitter, etc. She then uploaded these pictures on, which eventually resulted in crashing of the site due to huge interest of people in those pictures. Kadonaga’s artistic creation has also been covered by leading news sites, such as the Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, CNET, Time, People and CNN.
“I guess the L.A Times said that somebody had seen one alongside the highway down by Santa Monica, and some other guy went over in Washington D.C. and got his picture outside the Watergate hotel,” Kadonaga told The Canadian Press Sunday night.
Kadonaga, 49, who teaches geography at the University of Victoria, said a woman in New Zealand has put one such cutout in her garden.
“It’s been really odd because I just never expected to get quite this much in the way of attention, but I’m just really happy people seem to be enjoying it,” she said.
“As long as they’re having fun, they’re getting exercise, they’re enjoying themselves, and you know, that’s what this is all about.”
As for Spicer, she said she feels “sorry for the guy” and thinks “a lot of people have picked up on that.”
“I mean a lot of people have been in that situation themselves, maybe at work or in school, and people sympathize,” she said.
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