On Wednesday, Instagram roared with laughter after Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev shared a 25-second video clip, showing a box-sized satellite flying by the International Space Station (ISS). The video of the box-shaped satellite was posted on Wednesday. “A satellite flying by the ISS (International Space Station),” Artemyev wrote on Instagram. The video showed the big […]
Australian Scientists Reconstruct Prehistoric Platypus-like Armored Fish
Researchers from Flinders University and the Australia National University (ANU) have reconstructed a bizarre prehistoric armored fish, named Brindabellaspis. This fish belonged to an extinct group of animals called placoderms, and had nostrils coming from its eye sockets. It also featured a long, paddle-like beak resembling that of a platypus, and swam on the sea […]
Horseshoe Crab’s Blue Blood Has Become A Threat To Its Existence
Can an animal’s blood be good for humans? A might be a little strange to hear, but this is reality. The blood of a crab found in the sea of North America is considered elixir. This crab is called Horseshoe, and its blood is not red but blue in color. Horseshoe crabs are prehistoric creatures […]
Carbonized Germinated Grains Found In Sweden Suggest that the Swedes Brewed Beer In Iron Age
A new archeological finding suggests that ancient people in Sweden knew the art of brewing beer even in the Iron Age. “We found carbonized malt in an area with low-temperature ovens located in a separate part of the settlement,” said Mikael Larsson, an archeologist from Lund University in Sweden. Larsson, who specializes in archeobotany (which […]
Northwestern University Researchers Create Nanolaser That Can Change Colors Like A Chameleon
Getting inspiration from chameleons, a team of researchers at the Northwestern University has created a robust, tunable nanolaser that can change colors. A nanolaser is a tiny laser with nanoscale dimensions. These lasers can be modulated quickly and, combined with their small footprint, which makes them ideal for on-chip optical computing. Their intense optical fields […]
Former NASA Astronaut Mark Kelly Thinks Trump’s Order To Create A Space Force Is A Dumb Idea
Former NASA astronaut Mark Kelly has described Trump’s order to create a space force as a dumb idea. On Monday, United States President Donald Trump revealed that he has asked the Department of Defense (DoD) to create a sixth division called the Space Force. “We are going to have the Air Force and we are […]
Study Finds That 25 Percent Of Seafood Sold In Metro Vancouver Is Mislabeled
Vancouver is said to be an ideal place for seafood lovers who want to eat local. However, almost one-quarter of the seafood sold in Metro Vancouver is mislabeled, according to a new study carried out by researchers from the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Lu Food Safety & Health Engineering Lab. In the study, UBC […]
NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson, The Record Holder For Most Spacewalks By A Woman, Retires From Space Agency
Peggy Whitson, the 58-year-old NASA astronaut and the most experienced space flier of the United States, has retired from the American space agency. She announced her retirement on June 15, 2018. Whitson has spent 665 days in space, and holds the US record for most cumulative time in space. With 10 spacewalks totaling 60 hours […]
Russia Is Working On A Powerful Laser Cannon That Would Evaporate Space Debris
Russia is currently working on a new, laser cannon that will evaporate harmful space junk orbiting the Earth. According to Sputnik News, scientists at the Scientific and Industrial Corporation ‘Precision Instrument Systems’ (NPK SPP), a company affiliated with Roscosmos, are trying to develop this new technology for the benefits of the mankind. The new system […]
Turtle With Trash-Filled Stomach Found In Thailand
Veterinarians in Thailand failed to save a green turtle that was recently found near Chonburi’s Lamchabang Port. The stomach of the turtle was filled with trash, and veterinarians at the marine center in Chonburi were trying to save it by intravenous feeding. This turtle was found on a beach in the eastern province of Chonburi […]
Scientists Oppose Sale of 150-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Fossil
On Monday, a near complete fossil of a dinosaur was sold for huge $2.36 million to a British private art collector at an auction in Paris. The auction was held by Aguttes Auction House at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. However, many scientists are not happy about this auction. They believe such findings belong to […]
NASA Scientists Discover Neutron Star 200,000 Light Years From Earth
NASA astronomers have discovered a neutron star located about 200,000 light years from Earth. The discovery was made using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope. Although astronomers have identified ten similar objects in the past, this is the first time that a neutron star outside Milky Way […]
NASA’s Tiny Satellite IceCube Creates The First Global Map Of Ice Clouds
NASA’s IceCube, a tiny satellite deployed from the International Space Station (ISS) in May 2017, has created the first global map of ice clouds. The ice clouds are considered key variables in climate and weather models. Like other clouds, they also absorb/reflect the Sun’s energy and affect the heat emission from Earth into space. Ice […]
Scientists Used X-Ray Laser To Heat Water From Room Temperature To 100,000 Degrees Celsius In 75 Femtoseconds
A team of researchers from the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) at DESY and Uppsala University (Sweden) has developed a new technique to heat water from room temperature to 100,000 degrees Celsius in just 75 femtoseconds (75 millionths of a billionth of a second) to produce an exotic state of water. According to scientists, […]
Female Mosquitoes Suck Blood Not Just To Get Proteins To Lay Eggs But Also To Quench Their Thirst
For most of us, mosquitoes are irritating creatures. Their itchy bites, the whiny hum of buzzing wings, ubiquitous presence, and uncanny abilities to sense human presence not only ruin our beautiful evenings in the backyard of our homes but also spoil our sleeps in our bedrooms at night. Most people are not aware of the […]
NASA Astronauts And Russian Cosmonauts Hold A Small Musical Concert Aboard The ISS, Name Their Band As ‘AstroHawaii’
On Saturday, NASA astronauts and Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) took a break from science to organize a small musical concert in space, showing their talent in this field. Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev posted a picture of the event on Twitter, showing how the crew played with guitars, flutes and even a […]
More Students Report Carrying Guns In Chicago Than New York Or Los Angeles
More students reported carrying guns in Chicago than in Los Angeles or New York City over the 2007 to 2013 time period, according to a new study carried out by a team of researchers from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. These findings, published in the journal Injury Epidemiology, provide a historical background for […]
Otago Researchers Identify And Name A New Species of Ancient Whale
Researchers from the University of Otago have identified and named a new species of an ancient baleen whale, which according to researchers, existed more than 27.5 million years ago. The fossils of this prehistoric whale were discovered in 1988 from a fossil-bearing rock unit in the Hakataramea Valley in South Canterbury, New Zealand. The fossils […]
San Diego Researchers Ready To Visit Different Parts Of The World And Find Solutions To Different Global Problems
A team of scientists from San Diego is ready to embark on a new journey around the world in upcoming summer season to make new discoveries and find solutions to different global problems. For next few months, these scientists will travel various countries including China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Israel, the UK, The […]
This Robotic Gripper Uses A Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Coating To Grip And Lift Heavy Objects
A joint team of researchers from the University of California San Diego (UCSD), Stanford University, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has designed a new type of robotic gripper that is able to grip a wide variety of objects and can lift up to 45 lbs (20 kg). Researchers have designed this gripper by combining […]
Individuals With Poor Emotion Regulation Skills Are At Higher Risk of Problematic Smartphone Use, Study Suggests
Several studies in past years have examined the link between depression and anxiety symptom severity with problematic smartphone use (PSU). However, a new study carried out by researchers at the University of Toledo suggests that individuals with poor emotion regulation skills might be at higher risk of PSU. “The research literature demonstrates associations between both […]
UC Davis Researchers Identify A New Source Of Global Nitrogen
For centuries, scientific community has believed that all of the nitrogen on Earth available to plants comes from the atmosphere. However, scientists at the University of California (UC) Davis in the U.S. have now identified a new source of global nitrogen – the weathering of Earth’s bedrock – which, according to scientists, provides up to […]
Facebook Data Breach: Mark Zuckerberg Promises to Take Measure to Ensure Facebook Is Not Misused To Influence Elections in India and Elsewhere
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has apologized to Facebook users and promised to take measures to ensure that the Facebook user data is not misused to influence elections in India and elsewhere. He said he was sure that “someone is trying” to meddle in elections via Facebook. “This is a massive focus for us to make […]
Russian Scientists Blew Up A Tiny Asteroid With Laser
A joint team of Russian scientists from Rosatom, the state nuclear energy corporation, and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) claim to have blown up model asteroids measuring less than an inch wide with lasers in an experimental setup. The primary aim of the study was to find out how Earth could be prevented […]