HP is all set to launch HP Spectre 13.3 – its thinnest laptop – in India on Tuesday, 22 June. Media invite for the event has been sent out, and the message reads “come to experience the convergence of art with technology.”
On June 19, 2016, HP India tweeted: “2 days to go! Hit ‘like’ if you are as excited as us!”
The Spectre 13.3 is said to be inspired by jewelry and women’s purses, and that’s the reason why HP unveiled it at a luxury conference in Versailles, instead of at any tech show. In the US, HP Spectre 13.3 went for pre-order on April 25th for $1,170 and up. It was available in Best Buy stores from May 22 onwards. HP Spectre is not just the skinniest PC in HP’s portfolio but also the slimmest notebook in the world. HP has used a combination of metal and carbon fiber to create this notebook. The device comes with the same brownish “Ash Silver” shade that has been seen earlier in some special-edition machines.
HP is advertising HP Spectre as the world’s thinnest notebook. At jut 10.4 mm, it is as thin as an AAA battery, and weights only 1.1 kg. This slim laptop doesn’t rely on Intel’s lower-power Core M line of processors, which have been used in products such as the 12-inch MacBook and Samsung Galaxy TabPro S. Instead, it is powered by current-generation mainstream Intel Core i5 and Core i7 CPUs The device features full HD 13.3-inch diagonal edge-to-edge display, 8 GB of RAM, and a fast PCIe solid-state drive (SSD) offering storage up to 512 GB. The device comes with three USB Type-C ports. Its innovative hybrid battery is split into two thinner parts and is capable of delivering up to nine and a half hours of battery life, according to HP.
HP has not yet revealed the price of Spectre 13.3 in India.
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