Idea Cellular in India has launched a new postpaid plan for its customers. With this ‘unparalleled offer’ Idea is offering 1GB data per day for a month for 300. However, this plan is available only for 4G handset users, and users will have to avail it on top of their existing postpaid plan.
“The new Idea pack can be availed by all postpaid customers on Limited rental plans of Rs. 199 and above,” said Idea in a statement.
In June 2016, Idea had over 175 million subscribers in the country that generated traffic in excess of 2 billion minutes a day. According to Idea, it uses the latest technology available to provide “world-class service delivery through the most extensive network of customer touch points.” This Adiya Birla Group Company is listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India. Idea Cellular operates in 36 countries, and employs over 120,000 employees worldwide. The company however announced its merger with Vodafone India after Reliance Jio’s entry in the market. Idea and Vodafone India however say they are rivals with each other till the merger is completed.
Idea’s new Rs 300 plan is being offered for free to all the postpaid customers on rental plans of Rs. 499 and above. Idea postpaid subscribers using base rental plans of Rs. 349 to Rs. 498 can avail the pack at a discounted rate of just Rs. 50 only (applicable only for the first three months of subscription).
“This is a first of its kind offer with such a huge benefit to a broad base of postpaid customers in India. The package has been designed to catalyse data usage amongst existing clients and to attract more postpaid customers to the Idea network,” said Mr Sashi Shankar, Chief Marketing Officer, Idea Cellular.
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