Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Chenani Nashri Tunnel on April 2. Chenani Nashri Tunnel is the longest smart tunnel in Asia and boasts of features like Integrated Traffic Control System, Video Surveillance System and FM Rebroadcast System.
The 10.89 km tunnel has been constructed with an investment of Rs 2,519 crore, and forms part of the proposed widening of NH 44 from Jammu to Srinagar.
Chenani Nashri Tunnel is equipped with all necessary arrangements for disaster management. In case of a terrorist attack, security forces can reach the spot within 90 seconds and wipe out the terrorist in four minutes. According to authorities security measures for the tunnel are so strong that terrorist won’t be able to enter the tunnel.
This intelligent tunnel is equipped with the state-of-the-art technology that allows scanning of the vehicles as well as electronic monitoring of the passengers inside the vehicles. Overtaking another vehicle in the tunnel is prohibited, and any vehicle found doing so will face penalties. All the control systems in the tunnel are fully computerized.
There is also an escape tunnel that runs parallel to the smart tunnel. This escape tunnel is designed to be used during emergency situation.
Driver of a vehicle needs to start the FM before entering the tunnel to receive important information inside the tunnel.
Aashutosh Chandwad, regional head of IL & FS, the company that constructed the tunnel, says this tunnel will save Rs 27 lakh of fuel every day. Automatic system is able to identify the exact spot in the case of a fire break-out or external disturbance and will start the control center. Passengers will be taken to the parallel escape tunnel using cross passage made at every 300 m in tunnel. There are a total of 29 such passages in the tunnel.
“The tunnel has multiple economic gains as connectivity in the remote area can help transform the life of this neglected region in the hills. The credit goes to previous planners for having mooted this tunnel,” S P Singh, senior fellow at the Indian Foundation of Transport Research and Training (IFTRT) told ET.
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